All prospect and/or approved residents receive an online portal upon applying for residency at Aloha. We make every effort to keep you connected, and put the control within your hands. All guests must register online. A guest is allowed to stay 15 consecutive days, and maximum 30 days per year. Anyone staying over this time period must submit an application and meet the requirements of entry.
REQUIREMENTS of Entry – 55+ Community
Aloha is a 55+ age community, all applicants must pass a background check. Everyone must provide stated ID, proof of income and a completed application.
You may be turned down when applying if you have:
- Less than 560 in credit score, an eviction or bankruptcy, collections or outstanding balances on general living expenses such as: rent, electric, gas, cable, and phone.
- Too many collection accounts.
- If income is insufficient: 30% ratio.
- Have a criminal history.
We are a carefree style of living for older persons. All reasonable means have been taken to insure that your stay here is safe, pleasant and enjoyable. Rules and Regulations are to protect life, property and your privacy. They are intended for the comfort, welfare and safety of yourself and your visitors and to maintain the appearance and reputation of our community.
- In accordance with the Federal Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995, this Park is intended and operated as “housing for older persons”. Under the Act, those persons age 55 and over are defined as “older persons”. The Park complies with the Act and is intended to be reserved for persons age 55 and over, with certain exceptions allowed by the Act. All prospective residents will be screened for admission to the Park under this Rule, and the mobile home must be permanently occupied by at least one (1) person 55 years of age or older as of the date of occupancy. No applications will be accepted without proof of age such as a valid driver’s license, birth certificate or passport. Minimum age for all other occupants of the mobile home is 45 years of age. Under the Act, the Park may, in its sole discretion, make certain exceptions to this Rule. Under the Requirements of Entry all prospective mobile home owners or occupants must meet with the approval of the Park owner or management. Applicants must be considered desirable and compatible with other mobile home owners in the Park. Personal references, criminal background and credit checks will be required and thoroughly checked before admittance. Approval of any prospective mobile home owner or occupant must be given by the Park before any contract for the sale of a mobile home is signed, title to a mobile home is transferred, or occupancy begins. Under the Act, the Park may, in its sole discretion, make certain exceptions to this Rule. Under the Requirements of Entry all prospective mobile home owners or occupants must meet with the approval of the Park owner or management. Applicants must be considered desirable and compatible with other mobile home owners in the Park. Personal references, criminal background and credit checks will be required and thoroughly checked before admittance. Approval of any prospective mobile home owner or occupant must be given by the Park before any contract for the sale of a mobile home is signed, title to a mobile home is transferred, or occupancy begins.
- Guests staying with a mobile home owner for more than fifteen (15) consecutive days or thirty (30) days per year must be forty-five (45) years of age or older and are subject to approval by the Park in accordance with the same standards that the Park would apply as Requirements of Entry for prospective mobile home owners. Persons staying with a mobile home owner for less than fifteen (15) consecutive days or less than thirty (30) days per calendar year will not be subject to any monthly fee or charge. However, all persons visiting with a mobile home owner and staying overnight must stay with the mobile home owner who is being visited and such mobile home owner must be present and in current occupancy of the mobile home at the time of such person’s visit. Any person staying in a mobile home not occupied by a mobile home owner shall be deemed subletting, and said stay must be in accordance with the requirements of the Park Rules and Regulations.
- All overnight guests must be registered and are welcome to use Park facilities as long as they comply with all Park Rules and Regulations. Mobile home owners are responsible for seeing to it that their guests comply with Park Rules and Regulations. Such mobile home owners shall be financially responsible for any damages or injuries caused by their guests. Any guest staying with a mobile home owner in excess of thirty (30) consecutive days shall be considered an applicant for permanent residency in the Park, and shall be subject to the Park Rules and Regulations, including but not limited to the obligation to make application for residency and satisfy the Requirements of Entry.